My journey being a Counselor….

I am a Counseling Psychologist professionally. However, this ability in me has been innate. I never started my education and career to be a Counseling Psychologist in the first place. I had great interest in Psychology as a subject. I graduated in Psychology, Post Graduated in English and finally Bachelors in Education. I worked as an educator with schools for a couple of years and while working with children I realized that there was much more that needed to be addressed beyond their education, learning, completing syllabus and finally scoring in exams.
Interaction with children and observing their actions, behavior, emotions and words led me dive deeper and I realized that teaching them a particular syllabus year after year won’t bring any change in their ‘Being a Real Authentic Self’.
It brought a transition in my professional life and I successfully completed Masters in Psychology followed by Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling & Family Therapy. I started working with a school as a Counselor. I have dealt with almost all age groups from kindergarten to senior secondary students, also with parents and grandparents.
Along with it, I also freelanced and had taken up individual counseling sessions, group sessions with Schools, Institutes and Corporate sectors as well.